Hello, my name is Sergio Peralta.

I am a results-driven software developer dedicated to creating scalable, user-friendly applications that drive business success.

Sergio Peralta image

Full Stack Developer

I possess a profound understanding of web applications and databases. My expertise spans the entire development spectrum, from client-side to server-side. I am capable of working with, comprehending, and developing in all aspects of a web project, ensuring a holistic and cohesive approach.

Skilled Multilingual Programmer

My versatility as a multiparadigm and multilanguage programmer enables me to approach projects from diverse perspectives. I am well-versed in different languages and frameworks, allowing me to adapt and choose the optimal solution for each project. My focus is on ensuring that each solution is highly efficient and effective.


As a strategist, I have successfully led teams by applying effective decision-making skills. I possess a keen instinct for identifying problems and selecting the right collaborators. In critical situations, I have taken the lead to rescue projects facing challenges, ensuring the successful delivery of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). My expertise goes beyond strategy; it includes effective action.

Selected Work

Take a look below at some of my featured work from the past few years.

Tech Stack

I have experience working with a wide range of technologies and tools. Here are a few that I've been working with recently: